Manage mainframe settings

Settings management related API functions.

GHS.ghs_get_current_settings() tuple[str, bytes | None, int | None][source]

Retrieves the current mainframe settings as a blob.

As this blob can be of variable size, it is upon the caller to ensure reading the correct amount of memory. Memory for this blob is allocated by the API.


  • GHSReturnValue - API return status

  • blob - Pointer to the settings blob

  • blob_size - Size of the settings blob

GHS.ghs_set_current_settings(blob: bytes, blob_size: int) str[source]

Persists the current mainframe settings.

The persisted mainframe settings are applied upon a mainframe boot.

  • blob – Settings blob.

  • blob_size – Size of the settings blob.


  • GHSReturnValue - API return status

GHS.ghs_persist_current_settings() str[source]

Persists the current mainframe settings.

The persisted mainframe settings are applied upon a mainframe boot.


  • GHSReturnValue - API return status

GHS.ghs_apply_persisted_settings() str[source]

A mainframe might contain persisted settings (being applied upon boot). This method re-applies these settings. In Perception this maps on the ‘Configured boot’ feature.

The system needs to be idle before calling this function. This function overwrites any previously set settings and / or persisted settings.


API status.